Auckland Film Society – Where is the Friend's House?
44 Lorne St, CBD, Auckland
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Khaneh-je doost kojast?
Abbas Kiarostami, Iran, 1987
87 mins, HD. G certificate
In Farsi with English subtitles
A young boy must return a notebook to a classmate, but does not know where his friend lives. Kiarostami’s breakthrough film.
“A miraculous child’s-eye adventure of the everyday.” – IFC Center
One of the most critically acclaimed and influential filmmakers of the past 25 years, Abbas Kiarostami (1940-2016) is the equivalent of a Godard, Kurosawa, or Fellini – a director whose films have given new direction to world cinema. – Pacific Film Archive
This screening is open to the public – all tickets $10 (AFS members free). Tickets and memberships on sale now at Academy Cinemas, and at the AFS desk in the cinema foyer from one hour before the screening.
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