Auckland Film Society Double Bill – The Unknown & Freaks
44 Lorne St, CBD, Auckland
Ticket Information
- Additional fees may apply
Listed by
Double Bill Special Event
The Unknown
Tod Browning, USA,1927
68 mins, HD, B&W. PG
Silent with English intertitles
Lon Chaney delivers a wrenchingly physical performance as an armless knife-thrower whose infatuation with his beautiful assistant Joan Crawford drives him to unspeakable extremes. “Races along with the awful momentum of a bad dream” – Chicago Reader
followed by
Tod Browning, USA, 1932
64 mins, HD, B&W, R16
Probably the most transgressive film produced in 1930s Hollywood, Tod Browning's cult classic remains a truly singular experience with its unforgettable cast of real-life sideshow performers. “A wild ride… macabre and disturbing” – LA Times
This Auckland Film Society double bill screening is open to the public, all tickets $20 (AFS members free). Tickets and AFS memberships on sale now at Academy Cinemas, and from the AFS desk in the cinema foyer from one hour before the screening.
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