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Auckland Film Society – Roman Holiday

Ticket Information

  • General Admission: $10.00 each
  • AFS Sampler Card membership - limit one card per person: $25.00 each
  • AFS Sampler Card membership - subsequent Sampler Cards: $30.00 each
  • AFS Premier Card 12-month membership: $180.00 each
  • AFS Discount 12-month membership: $160.00 each
  • AFS Supporter 12-month membership: $200.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Mon 2 Aug 2021, 6:15pm–8:15pm


All Ages

William Wyler, USA, 1953
119 mins, HD, B&W. G
A central European princess skips out on her official schedule to enjoy Rome incognito, with an opportunistic reporter in tow. Stars Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn in her first major role. “Chic, charming, vulnerable and very funny, Audrey Hepburn won our hearts and minds in Roman Holiday.” – Guardian

Wayne Weston Memorial Screening – open to the public, all tickets $10 (AFS members free). Tickets and AFS memberships on sale now at Academy Cinemas and from the AFS desk in the cinema foyer from one hour before the screening.

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