Shooting Mechanisms In Plants And Fungi
101 Glenmore St, Kelburn, Wellington
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When plant seeds or fungi spores are released from their parent reproductive organs it’s often difficult for us to see or understand their respective mechanisms of action. i.e. exactly what is happening. This difficulty is, variously, because of the small size of components, the complexity of action or the high speed of movement.
This talk by Reg Harris, drawing on detailed research and associated illustrations, will look at the fine details of seed and spore release. He will give several examples of the mechanisms involved, characterising them as, variously, ‘catapult’, ‘ejection seat’, ‘slingshot’, ‘cannon’ and ‘gas-bubble’.
The talk will also briefly address tactics used by plants and fungi for the dispersal of seeds and spores following their release into the wider environment.
Finally, as an ‘extra’, the talk will reveal how the working principles of plant and fungi shooting mechanisms can be used to provide important clues in the design of dedicated artificial shooting mechanisms in medical practice. For example, mechanisms able to be used for puncturing biological tissues with high accuracy [needed in biopsies, particularly of tumours and deep tissue] after being guided by molecular imaging.
Located in the Treehouse Seminar Room, Wellington Botanic Garden ki Paekākā. Free of charge. You’re welcome to bring along your own ‘brown bag’ lunch to enjoy during the talk.
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