NZCB Auckland Region Education Day 2023
770 Great South Rd, Manukau City, Auckland
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Become one of the most-informed in the industry and head along to New Zealand Certified Builders (NZCB) annual Education Day themed ‘Navigating Industry Changes.’ This event is open to both NZCB members and the wider public.
With the theme of Navigating Industry Changes, the day will include training and presentations from a range of construction industry experts on H1 and E3 changes, Medium Density Residential Standards, and Sustainability Initiatives. You will have the chance to attend 30-minute presentations in small groups of 25-30, as well as see new products and services on display. Check out the amazing speaker line-up below.
Not only will you earn 6 elective LBP points including On-The-Job Learning, you will also be provided with lunch, morning and afternoon smokos, free parking AND the chance to win an ULTIMATE fishing charter worth over $2,000! (T's & C's Apply).
Introducing Our Key Education Day Workshops And Presenters:
•Martelli McKegg Lawyers - The Legal Implications Of Flood and Storm Damage
Auckland and other parts of the North Island have been ravaged by storms. If we are in fact going into recession this year, then this is likely to be a boost to the building industry. But if demand for building is instead going to continue unbated, then this will just add pressure to an already overextended workforce. The legal implications will be discussed in our presentation.
•APL Window Solutions - Energy Efficiency (H1) Changes
We will showcase a new product that meets recent H1 requirements and provide an in-depth understanding of building performance, condensation and correct installation.
•Viking Group - Energy Efficiency (H1) Requirements: Membrane Roofs
Struggling to get your head around the fast-approaching Energy Efficiency (H1) requirements for membrane roofs? We will we spell out the implications of H1’s 5th edition in everyday language, but we’ll also demonstrate our fully-engineered ‘WarmSpan²’ warm roof assembly, which tackles the two main challenges of this new legislation - cost and design.
•Comfortech - Energy Efficiency (H1) Improvements
See the exciting new insulation product range, Pink® Superbatts®, specifically designed for H1, and learn how Comfortech® is well prepared to help builders with these upcoming changes.
•Auckland Council - Medium Density Residential Standards (Presentation sponsored by Carters)
How does the Auckland Council feel about the new Medium Density Residential Standards and how will they weave them into the unitary plan? Will the recent flooding mean intensification is not the answer?
•GIB® - Intertenancy Barrier Systems
Learn about intertenancy wall systems including the recently released upgrades to GIB® Intertenancy Barrier Systems to improve install times and costs.
•Korok - Fire And Acoustic Rated Wall Systems
No one wants to hear their neighbours, and Korok have the perfect solution. Fast to install and providing security too, a hands-on look at KOROK fire and acoustic rated wall systems.
•Marley - Installation Tips And Sustainability Initiatives
Learn about Marley’s exciting new recycling initiative in conjunction with the Ministry for the Environment’s Plastic Innovations Fund, as well as how their Stratus Design Series® range fits in with this.
•Unitech - Reducing Construction Plastic To Landfill (Presentation Sponsored by Green Gorilla)
Understand the results of a practical recycling exercise, conducted by the Environmental Solutions Research Centre, helping construction companies reduce the amount of plastic waste going to landfill.
•ABODO Wood - Carbon Counting And Thermal Modification
What are the regulatory changes requiring carbon calculations and why does it matter to builders? Learn about the Forestry and Wood Processing Transformation Plan, plantation biodiversity and thermal modification.
Please enter via The Main Gate next to The Ramada Hotel. Parking is complimentary.
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