The NZHIA iHemp Investment & Discovery Tour: Hastings
30 Te Mata Road, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
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About this event:
What can hemp do for you?
We explore hemp’s economic and sustainability potential by creating growth partnerships in the Hastings region.
How can hemp be used in FARMING:
Farming as an alternative land use and cash crop plus phytoremediation, heavy metal removal and soil cleaning/conditioning. Use for nitrogen uptake, and climate change mitigation. Crop rotation and break cropping in collaboration with other primary industries.
How can hemp be used in the FOOD INDUSTRY:
Seeds for food and utilising local circular economy by-product streams to make new and innovative products. Hemp seed nutritional products for humans and animals as well as seed multiplication for northern hemisphere hempseed companies. Future uses of hemp leaf, sprouts and roots.
How can hemp be used in the FIBRE INDUSTRY:
Investment in decortication and primary processing would enable enterprises to scale and enter markets for high and low tech industrial uses, producing a diverse variety of end products such as geotextiles, apparel fabrics, construction materials, and composites. Collaboration with other primary sectors, such as forestry and wool.
How can hemp be used in the HEALTH Industry:
Female plant cultivation for the emerging health and wellness industry, as high-value fractions from locally grown crops for global niche markets. Working with Manuka, Kakawawa and other native botanicals grown in New Zealand.
Event speakers:
Richard Barge (NZHIA)
The NZHIA Chair presents a history of hemp in Aotearoa New Zealand and a new iHemp industry for the Hawkes Bay region.
Nicky Solomon (NZ Food Innovation Network)
Developing a hemp-based food or beverage in New Zealand – who can help and what do you need to think about?
Holleigh Ellis (Harvest to Hand)
Explaining their version of Hemp seed life from Harvest to Hand.
Gareth Ingram (Farmlands)
Opportunities for iHemp in rotation/a new crop for New Zealand, things needed for it to be a success.
With special thanks to our event sponsors Hastings District Council.
Join us from 7:00pm for networking then the event will formally commence at 7:30pm.
7.30pm - Mihi whakatau/Welcome
7.50pm - Introduction/What is iHemp
8.00pm - NZHIA and the business plan
8-9pm - Local iHemp business
8-9pm - EDM, council
8-9pm - Sponsors/Expert
9.00pm - Q & A and panel discussion
10.00pm - Event finishes
Online or in-person:
This event and all events in The NZHIA Discovery & Investment Tour will be available for you to attend either in-person or online using the zoom option. You may choose which option you would prefer when registering.
Health and safety:
Please note due to restrictions under orange traffic light settings this is a controlled-access event and only registered people can attend the event. If you have any cold or flu symptoms, are awaiting a Covid-19 test result or have been at a location of interest please stay at home.
Cancellations or change of plans?
If you are no longer able to attend this event, please let us know and update your registration as spaces are limited to 100 people per event.
You can also opt to join this event via our online Zoom option.
Event Details:
The event will be recorded and may be used for training and publicity purposes. By registering, you acknowledge this and consent to be added to the NZHIA Public Newsletter distribution.
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