Ghost Trees
420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi, Auckland
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Ghost Trees - Written and Performed by Gary Stalker
Directed by Paul Gittins / Soundscape Jude Roberstson
Intimate, immersive, engaging and uplifting. The lasting goodbye at the edge of profound separation. A play about grief and finding solace.
A man’s discovery that science confirms the existence of an intelligent network of communication between trees, opens his mind to the wonder and awe of life and to the connection of all living things.
Ghost Trees is a story that draws on science, imagination and the indefatigable love for things lost. It is one man’s struggle to cope with the loss of his partner to cancer and a search for answers. He finds the devastating effects of kaurie die-back on the trees surrounding his house symptomatic of a deeper malaise - climate change, species extinction, increasing isolation and loss of identity.
Playwright Gary Stalker looks for meaning in these events and finds an extraordinary connectedness between all living entities. Delving into the world of Phytopthora that is killing kauri, Gary takes you on a journey where the past, present and future merge together. Unable to move forward, he is caught at the intersection of multiple realities; a strangely poetic place, of magical thinking - a place where matter meets spirit and conversations happen with the departed and the large kauri that surround his home. An immersive experience that combines magical storytelling with a creative soundscape.
“An amazing intertwining of the tragedy of tree loss in parallel with personal loss. If you get a chance please go see this.” - Dr Nari Williams (Plant Pathologist)
“Blown away by Gary Stalkers incredible true story...such compelling and thought provoking entertainment.” - Dr Mels Barton (Kauri Rescue)
“Absolutely beautiful writing, a magnificent show!” - Gary Henderson (Playwright)
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