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Pecha Kucha #28
30 Te Mata Road, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
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We're back for 2019!
It's been a long summer break and we're looking forward to coming together for Pecha Kucha #28 in Havelock in April.
Join us in the Magdalinos Room at the Havelock North Function Centre on April 9th for an evening filled with tales of passion and stories of substance from a bunch of terrific HB locals.
Lineup includes:
- Puti Lancaster
- Pippa McKelvie
- Andrene Low Author
- Wai Tupaea
- Biff Waddell
- Rachel Garnham
Cash bar. Doors open at 5:30pm, presentations start at 6pm sharp.
$7 admission - please bring cash.
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