Do you sell tickets for an event, performance or venue?
Sell more tickets faster with Eventfinda. Find out more. Find out more about Eventfinda Ticketing.

E-tickets are immediately sent to the email address you provided when purchasing tickets from Eventfinda.

If you can’t locate your e-tickets, the first thing to do is check your spam/junk folder in case the tickets have landed there.

Make sure that Eventfinda is the ticketing company for the event in question. People often think we sell tickets to everything (which would be great), because we make it easy to click off to other ticketing companies.

Other than that, the most common problems are incorrect email addresses or forgetting which email address was used when purchasing, so be sure to check any other email accounts you might have used.

You can always login into Eventfinda and check your purchase history in MyEventfinda. You can download any tickets you have purchased and print them again. If you've forgotten your password, click here.

It's also a good idea to check your bank statement and confirm your transaction was completed successfully and that the funds were taken from your account.

Please feel free to get in touch with us further by sending a support request and provide us with the name of the event you purchased tickets for, the date of purchase, and the name used to purchase the tickets - this helps us narrow the search down!

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