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Please note that many Christchurch events that are listed on Eventfinder will no doubt be cancelled either due to earthquake damage, access to the CBD, or water/sewage problems. As all events on Eventfinder are listed by the promoters, venues or artists, we may not have been informed about cancellations and don't feel it's appropriate to chase people in Christchurch for answers while they're clearly dealing with more important issues.

If an event isn't flagged as Cancelled, it's recommended that you try to confirm whether the show is still on by contacting the venue in question. We'll continue to flag them as Cancelled as we're informed, but the tragic aftermath of the quake makes it understandably difficult for people to keep their listings current and we wouldn't want to disadvantage any artist by marking their event as Cancelled without knowing for sure.

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GrassRoots Festival Cancelled

Thursday 10 March 2011

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Carlos Santana Cancels Christchurch Show

Tuesday 8 March 2011