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Sell more tickets faster with Eventfinda. Find out more. Find out more about Eventfinda Ticketing.

Eventfinder has quickly moved into New Zealand's Top 100 sites according to Nielsen//NetRatings, recording over 38,000 unique browsers during November.

For domestic traffic, the site is the 74th most popular site in the country. Eventfinder is the 9th most popular site in the Entertainment category and 8th in Online Information.

Eventfinder is the number 1 website dedicated to promoting events from around New Zealand. Managers and organisers who promote events on Eventfinder get exposure to a larger audience than nearly all print publications.

Listing a single event is free, and our paying plans for businesses and promoters put the cost of print advertising to shame.

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BDO 3rd & Final Lineup Announced

Tuesday 12 December 2006

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Apple Opens NZ iTunes Store

Friday 8 December 2006