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Whānau Ride Adventure

Ticket Information

  • Free Admission


  • Sun 26 Jan 2025, 10:00am–2:00pm


All Ages

Pedal the Forest! Let’s ride!

You and your whānau are invited for an adventure in Pākuratahi Forest. Join us to pedal your mountain bikes through the Tunell Gully Recreation Area. Ride through pine forests, native bush and fresh mountain streams in this recreational wonderland north of Upper Hutt.

This FREE event is delivered in partnership with NtrailZ (trailbuilders), WORD (youth mountain biking), and Wildfinder (bicycle rentals).

Tamariki from 7yrs can participate in guided rides and skills sessions specially designed for those new to mountain biking.

Wildfinder will be hiring bikes for those wanting to give mountain biking a try. To reserve a bike visit

Our adventure event basecamp will have a sausage sizzle and games available for the whānau, as well as bike safety checks and free fix ups hosted by NtrailZ.

Really want to go to this event or take the kids but don’t have transport? Please e-mail, we may be able to help.

Please note:
Take responsibility for your safety. Wear a helmet and whatever safety gear suits your level (and speed) of riding.
Please bring any lunch, snacks, and water you’ll need.

For updates about the event, including any changes or cancellations, be sure to click 'interested' on our Facebook event page.

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