Vinyl In the Vines: Back to Bass
238 Alabama Road, Blenheim, Marlborough
Ticket Information
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We’re excited to host Vinyl in the Vines back at ours - tickets are free but limited!
Join us at the original home of ViV – the Lawson’s Dry Hills courtyard with our famous hills as your backdrop! Sounds by your fave DJ crew - Mr Slice, Dai and Boom, beer by Boom Town and mouth-watering food by the Boom Chef. Oh and wine by LDH (try the recently released Ranu)!
We're also blessed to have Johnny H with his Sub-urban Records with his vinyl to buy.
It's going to be another laid-back afternoon of funk and punk, reggae, rock, ska and more so to avoid disappointment, get in quick and register. We’d also love a cash donation for Riding for the Disabled at the door.
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