The Otipua Challenge
23 Shaw St , Timaru, South CanterburyRestrictions
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Run, walk or crawl as many times as you can around the 6.3km loop of the Otipua Wetlands. Based at Redruth Park (24 Collins Street, Timaru). The trail is mostly smooth and flat with a little hill in the middle. With only 38m of vert each lap you can cruise around at a good pace, even if you need to walk a lap or two to recover.
24 hour solo and teams relay starts at 6pm Saturday
12 hour solo and teams relay start at 6am Sunday
6 hour solo and teams relay starts at 12noon Sunday
Teams are 2-4 people, one runner at a time on course. Teams are encouraged to dress up to make it even more fun.
Entry fees:
6-hour $60
12-hour $70
24-hour $80
If you are entering as a team, you captain registers first and will send team members a code or link.
Entries are open so get in and get training.
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