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Functional Breathing Workshop

Ticket Information

  • Functional Breathing Workshop: $20.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Wed 8 Jan 2025, 7:00pm–9:00pm



Do you want to have a fun, informative, self and group orientated 2-hour workshop?
Register for a dive and interactive investigation into how you breathe, how your breathing affects you and learn how to improve your breathing at rest, when you work and play, and when you sleep.
A good idea to come with a friend due to the workshop's interactive nature, but not essential.

Here is a basic structure of the workshop;

- Screening breathing patterns
- Distinguish the relationship between breathing patterns and functional movement
- Understand the science of respiratory physiology
- Learn exercises to increase oxygen uptake during rest, physical exercise and sleep
- Alleviate breathing disorders such as snoring, sleep apnea, and insomnia

Registration - Send a text to 0277427180 or email
Cost: $20

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