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Yoga Nidra: Moonbathing

Ticket Information

  • General Admission: $16.58 each ($15.00 + $1.58 fees)
  • Eventfinda tickets no longer on sale


  • Thu 27 Jun 2024, 6:15pm–8:45pm


All Ages


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Bhakti Lounge

As you settle onto your mat, prepare to experience the deeply relaxing practice of Yoga Nidra.
We'll be hosting a special moonbathing session in light of the upcoming Matariki - the Maori New Year.
Let your thoughts drift up to the stars, particularly the vibrant Pleiades cluster, symbolizing a fresh start, clarity and inner wisdom.
Yoga Nidra has been shown to induce a state of deep relaxation, triggering the parasympathetic nervous system and reducing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This practice also heightens your awareness and improves cognitive function, leading to enhanced emotional regulation and better overall mental health. You'll be in good hands as Kai will be leading you through your Yoga Nidra experience.

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