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Women and Business - Lisa O'Neill

Ticket Information

  • General Admission: $35.54 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Tue 26 Nov 2024, 5:30pm–7:00pm


All Ages


Having worked in multiple industries, Lisa is obsessed with helping people be better leaders, employees, and entrepreneurs. She understands the tricky balance of being all things to all people, running several businesses, and being a mother of four children.

Lisa is guaranteed to leave you inspired, energized, and ready to change the way you think about life. Passionate about inspiring action and helping people get out of their own way, Lisa has the unique ability to deliver heavy messages in a light and relatable way.

After more than a decade on stage, Lisa is consistently top-rated in conference evaluations. Participants love her straight-talking, refreshing wisdom and infectious laughter. She's written seven books, with her latest focussed on Energy. Bringing awareness to the importance of getting, guarding and giving energy.

Join us for an evening of mischief and provocation, for straight talking and inspiration.

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