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Wellycon 2024


  • Sat 1 Jun 2024, 9:00am–12:00am
  • Sun 2 Jun 2024, 9:00am–12:00am


All Ages

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Power up your game, it's Wellycon - the biggest, fun friendly board gaming convention in New Zealand. The con is run by a core group of volunteers with the aim of building community through games. There will be plenty of bright characters to play games with - over 2000 people come just to play with you!

We'll get your turbine spinning with our large game library brought along by attendees (Wellycon doesn’t own any games), a friendly atmosphere, and volunteers to help you choose a game and meet up with others who like similar things.

Special events change every year; this year we have:

Play-to-win - borrow a game from the Play-to-win table, give it a try, and go into the draw to win it! Over 100 games in the PTW this year.
Prototype event - try out & give feedback on new games in development. Prize draw for participants.
Tournaments - several, including Pandemic Survival which is unique to Wellycon in NZ. Try out in pairs against others running the same scenario and see who saves the planet!
Intro to... - Dungeons&Dragons (D&D), Call of Cthulu, Blood on the Clocktower, Table Top gaming, Chess and others. Trial sessions run by an experienced gamer, storyteller or Dungeon Master to get you started.
Quiet room - if you'd like a more secluded time with less people, we're here for you.
Late night - game on into the night, energy drinks provided!
Quiz - tickle those storage cells in the brain and win prizes.
Buy, Sell, Swap table - find a new loving home for that game you just don't get to the table any more.
Food - pre-order your Grab&Go meal from Zephyr Cafe to save interrupting your gaming time!

You know Watt? Each year we have a theme game and this year we're buzzing with electric excitement - it's the classic, we couldn't generate more interest than the new, sustainable Catan: New Energies. So, build, generate and trade your way into the new world of Catan. This is exactly on point, because we're aiming to be more and more renewable every year, so bring your own drinking vessel and use the recycling bins thoughtfully.

So, charge up your transformer, we're transmitting the best, fun, friendly board game experience to you can get - it's so bright it's Solar, man!

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