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Book event for train enthusiasts and travel adventurers


  • Sun 6 Oct 2024, 3:00pm–4:00pm


All Ages

Listed by

Mary Biggs

Two kiwis. 89 days of travel. 33 trains. 19 countries.

Featherston Booktown is delighted to bring author, Gregory Hill to Featherston on Sunday October 6, to share his epic train journey from Wellington to Spain. He will be in conversation with popular Featherston Booktown Chair, Peter Biggs. 

At this year's Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival Gregory Hill launched his book The Antipodean Express to a sold-out audience.

This event will be part of a day of celebration of trains and railways in Featherston. The Wairarapa Railway Modellers Inc and the Garden Railway Group will display and run model train sets in the Anzac Hall, The Fell Engine Museum will be open, the Cross Creek Railway's Mini Fell locomotive will be running and book shops will showcase their train books.  if you are a travel adventurer and a train enthusiast, be prepared to be inspired by Gregory and his travel tales.   Hurry! Get on Board!

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