Researching Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland History Initiative #2
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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Researching Tāmaki Makaurau: Auckland History Initiative Summer Scholars session two
The Auckland History Initiative (AHI), a research collaboration at the University of Auckland, presents research projects from the 2024 Summer Scholars exploring aspects of Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland's history.
Henry Grey
The Hidden Whorearchy of Tāmaki Makaurau: Sex Work in the Shadow of Neoliberalism
Despite being one of Aotearoa New Zealand's earliest industries and turning over hundreds of millions in revenue each year, the sex economy has remained relatively obscured across our history. Stigmatised and policed until decriminalisation (a world-first) in 2003, my research covers the economics of the industry as Aotearoa transitioned into a neoliberal policy regime. This is a story of marginalised yet determined identities - queer men, cisgender and transgender women - taking advantage of commercial sex to carve out economic freedom and independence for themselves in a rapidly evolving Tāmaki Makaurau.
Peter Wallace
Art on the Stage in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland
Oscar Wilde’s famous notion that “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life” could not be more true than in Auckland’s own theatre scene. This presentation will appreciate the modern triumphs and tragedies of professional and amateur ventures from the mid 1950’s into the late 2010’s.
Benjamin Agnew
Breaking the Mold: Innovation and Identity at Crown Lynn
Crown Lynn Potteries Ltd. was the biggest New Zealand-owned pottery company whose pottery has become coveted collector pieces here in Aotearoa. My presentation will explore the history of this iconic Auckland business, including the economic factors that were essential to the rise and fall of the company, and how Crown Lynn acted as a counterpoint to some of our primary industries from after the Second World War to the 1980s.
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