Open Mic
Corner Orly Avenue & Bader Drive, Mangere, Auckland
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Pasifika young people from South Auckland gather every Wednesday to collectively discuss how young people can be proactive in getting support for their health and wellbeing needs. With over 200 health and social services in South Auckland, there are still prevalent health and wellbeing issues amongst Pasifika youth. They aren’t accessing them…
Talavou Village Youth One Stop Shop (YOSS) presents Talanoa Theatre - Bringing Health & Wellbeing to the forefront: A theatre piece produced by Auckland based youth provider Village Collective aims to reinforce the importance of Talanoa in creating supportive environments for young Pacific people. Talanoa Theatre is a collection of 5 creative pieces devised by members of our Talavou Village Leadership Group based on letters to their future selves.
For one night only, the performance is free and open to the public.
Appropriate for all ages.
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