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Ticket Information

  • Free Admission


  • Sat 9 Nov 2024, 11:00am–1:30pm


All Ages

The Meisner technique is one of the most widely taught acting techniques in the world.

It was developed in the 20th century by American actor Sanford Meisner during his career at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theater in New York. Through a series of gradually challenging exercises, actors learn to be more present and more connected to their scene partner, and develop greater emotional freedom in a way that allows them to live up to Meisner's definition of acting: to behave truthfully under imaginary circumstances.

Learning goals

On a fundamental level, the students will learn to be more present and less nervous in front of an audience, a quality sometimes referred to as “public solitude.” They will also develop their ability to listen and connect to others. Presence, as well as a certain degree of acceptance of one’s own vulnerability, are pre-requisites for true emotional freedom and authenticity on stage and in life.

Building the core Meisner repetition exercises a step at a time, we will explore the practices of the Meisner approach with a focus on creating and living, believably in the imaginary circumstances of the moment…. ever encouraging the actor’s own impulses. The goal of all work is to condition the actor to live by the maxim: “what I do depends on what he/she does.” And, always, “it doesn't matter who is watching you as long as you’re not watching yourself.”

Working off your partner.

The art of communicating with actors is the most powerful advantage a director can have, and it may be the most neglected skill in today's director skill set. This class is a solid practice, giving the actor and emerging director a chance to exercise the notions, the techniques, and the tools they need to perform at their peak.

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