FETU - Creative Forum
Corner Orly Avenue & Bader Drive, Mangere, Auckland
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Tālofa lava, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Malo e lelei LaunchPad is proud to present FETU - Creative Forum.
FETU - Creative Forum is a free explorers forum for established Pasefika artists and industry maestros to return
back to and share with the next wave of young aspiring creatives. It's a platform for them to share their own personal insights and career learnings on the balance between pursuing a sustainable career in the arts whilst practising living an already abundantly rich life.
We invite all creatives, whether you're new and just setting off on your artistic endeavours, or if you've already been exploring these waters for some time now, FETU is designed for all artists to share, connect and feel a familiar solace.
'E so'o le fau I le fau' - ‘UNITY IS STRENGTH' - Samoan proverb
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb
Our host will be interviewing our special guest speakers in depth, guiding the forum to be as uplifting and creatively beneficial as possible.There is something magical about being in the same room with those who inspire you and hearing their stories in depth can motivate and spark new drive in your own unique journey. So join us as we open up the floor and explore what it means to be a Pasefika creative in beautiful Aotearoa.
These communities have the power to build lifelong connections, by integrating and nurturing each other's strengths in a safe, inclusive space.
12-1pm: Artist Social Hour
3-4pm: Artist Business Hour
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