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Callum Allardice Quartet


  • Thu 30 May 2024, 7:30pm–9:30pm


All Ages Licensed

The Callum Allardice Quartet, led by award-winning composer Callum Allardice is an exciting ensemble featuring the exceptional talents of Wellington musicians such as double bassist Elijah Mulheron, pianist Ayrton Foote, and skilled drummer Hikurangi Schaverien-Kaa. Their combined expertise and diverse musical backgrounds contribute to the album's rich and dynamic sound. They will play material from Callum’s upcoming quartet album, written and recorded during his time as composer in residence at Te Kōkī - New Zealand School of Music.

Featuring: Callum Allardice - Guitar, Ayrton Foote - Piano, Elijah Mulheron - Bass, Hikurangi Schaverien-Kaa - Drums.

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