Aziza Bellydance - Yallah! A Student Showcase
312 Main St, Palmerston North
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Aziza Bellydance are returning to the Globe with a celestial showcase of dances full of Egyptian, Iraqi, Indian and Latin vibes. There’ll be sensational shaabi, fabulous fellahi, and characterful kawliya. There’ll be magical muwasha, bubbly baladi, delicious drum, and oh-so-sensual oriental. But most of all, there’ll be dark-lipped smiles, big eye lashes, stellar earrings and all of the best and blingiest things in life. Aywa! Yes!
Aziza have a 17-year history of bringing women together to dance, laugh and scatter loose gemstones across stages in the lower North Island. If you have never seen a bellydancer leave sparkles in her wake, yallah! Come and see us! Ahlan wa sahlan! You will be warmly welcomed! Our pre-Christmas glitter-fest of Middle Easternness will leave a little diamante in your heart and maybe even a free gemstone stuck to the sole of your shoe.
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