Argentine Tango Dance Class
237 Onewa Road, Birkenhead, Auckland
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Learn how to dance Argentine Tango with the 2024 Oceania Tango Champions John Flower and Natallia Ramanchuk . Want to learn to dance? Then this is the class for you. If you can walk then you can dance tango.
Dance Pasion have specialized in teaching and performing tango (Argentine Tango) for over 25 years. Bring a partner, friend or come on your own and discover this enthralling dance style.
Tango provides a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience and embrace this creative dance. If you are wanting to learn an amazing fun dance or to dance at your wedding, get in touch. Or if you wish to progress your dancing further and learn some secrets of partnering and elegant Tango connections and movements then contact us for the best times to suit.
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