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30's Charleston 8 Week Beginners Course
5 Neeve Road, Napier, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
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Learn the 30's Charleston with Hi-De-Ho Swing. No partner or previous experience neccesary, all you'll need is comfy shoes and your water bottle.
Monday nights at the Munro Dance Studio,
5 Neeve Rd, Taradale, Napier (near the town clock).
This 8-week beginners course start at 8pm (finishes at 9pm) and is follow by intermediate group lesson (9pm-9.30pm) TBA.
Cost is $15 cash on the door, or pay for the full term for only $100 per person (full course is 8wk)
*Discounts available on Eventfinda, search Munro Dance Studio.
October/November course dates:
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th October
4th, 11th, 18th, 25th November.
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