Wairarapa Schools ‘Take Action for Nature’ Competition
85379 State Highway 2, Mount Bruce, Masterton, Wairarapa
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The Ruamahanga Restoration Trust, in collaboration with the Department of Conservation and EnviroSchools Wairarapa, is offering five overnight stays for Wairarapa schools at the brand-new Environmental Education Centre, Te Whare Taiao o Manukura, at Pūkaha.
To win students or teachers are invited to send up to five photos that best illustrate how your school is taking action for nature - e.g. cleaning up our waterways, protecting wetland habitats, predator trapping, collecting rubbish for our streams, or planting native trees. The judging panel will select the best of five photos submitted from different schools. A selection from all photos submitted will be shared on social media and or used in other promotional media materials, credited with the photographer's name and school.
Full overnight education experiences are for Years 4-13, with the accommodation block at Pūkaha sleeping up to 32 students and 8 adults. During their stay, tauira will explore aspects of local history and stories, conservation, ecology, evolution and adaptations while in the ngahere both day and night. Overnight accommodation includes: full use of a commercial kitchen for self-catering, use of the wharekai, AV, showers, and a drying room.
To enter, please email your photos along with your full name, and name of the school, plus a contact name and telephone number for a parent or guardian (if appropriate) to: info@rrtrust.org.nz before 5pm Tuesday, August 22, 2023.
This event is part of Conservation Week 2023 - www.conservationweek.org.nz. See https://www.facebook.com/RRTrust for more information.
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