Researching Tāmaki Makaurau: AHI Summer Scholars session one
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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The Auckland History Initiative (AHI), a research collaboration at the University of Auckland, presents research projects from the 2023 Summer Scholars exploring aspects of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland's history. These students spend 12 weeks over the summer break researching in the varied and rich archives around Auckland under the supervision of Professor Linda Bryder and Dr Jessica Parr.
This is the first of two talks in which the students will present their work. The second talk is on 1 March 2023.
Speakers and topics:
Katia Kennedy
The recent Black Ferns world cup win at Eden Park, demonstrated the widespread popularity women’s sport could garner. For my project I am investigating the attitudes surrounding women in sport from the turn of the 20th Century. To explore this topic, I’m looking at the development and growth of women's cricket and women's marching in Auckland during this time period.
Friederike Voit
Auckland has always had a vibrant and resilient queer community. My project approaches the history of this community through the spaces they occupied, tracing shifts in both public and private spheres from the 1950s until Homosexual Law Reform in 1986. In this way, the tangible impact of this socially and politically tumultuous period on queer people’s lives becomes evident.
Samuel Turner-O’Keeffe
Although significant improvements have been made to Auckland's public transport system over recent decades, commuting throughout the city remains frustrating and inefficient. How did we get ourselves into this situation? In my project I investigate whether neglecting Auckland's rail networks in the past might have contributed to our car-obsessed, congested present.
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Image: Unknown photographer. From: Dyke News, no. 45, February 29, 1984, folder 5, box 5, series 6, Auckland Lesbian Archives, Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections.
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