Rachael Errington Exhibition
20 Brandon Street, Wellington
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Rachael’s tree paintings have taken on a life of their own. Intricate textures of bark created with modelling paste and other ‘secret’ compounds are tactile and 3-dimensional. The colours are the depth and warmth of autumn and the fresh lime green tones of spring. Fascinated by the ever-changing play of filtered light Rachael encourages the viewer to step into the woods, to smell it, to feel it and to be soothed.
While formulating the structure and colours of the work in her mind Rachael freely admits to spending quite a lot of time staring at a blank canvas.
“I’m endlessly fascinated with using different techniques to recreate colours. I love been able to squash colour across a surface”.
While Rachael states that Edgar Degas and Gustav Klimt are artists that have influenced her, she constantly draws inspiration while walking and hiking and from her extensive photography collection, to date over 5000 images.
“My work is emotive – It is all I ever want to do. “
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