1 Kent Tce, Wellington
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Face your milkiest fears in the spookiest version of Wellington’s wettest show. This is 'Milkoween', the latest instalment of the 'Milk' theatrical universe, presented by Ruff as Gutz. You, the audience, are armed with water balloons. They, the performers, must perform or face your wrath. It’s like a seance at a waterpark.
The front half of the audience will be given water balloons to hurl when they think the performers can do a little bit better. We can't change anything unless somebody throws a balloon at us and then something must change. Get it? Good. Wondering how milk fits in? You will. That's a threat.
'Milkoween' is the fourth offering in the 'Milk' saga that debuted in 2021 NZ Fringe as “a high-energy fringe highlight” - Arthur Hawkes, Theatreview. In the wake of its sell-out first season the team brought it back in 2022 twice (that’s right) with the award nominated 'Milkof the Gods' in 2022’s NZ Fringe and with 'A Milkmas Carol' in December.
'Milk' is proud of its hectic heritage and has proved itself more than once as a crowd favourite, often having audience members come more than once in a season since no two nights are ever the same. This time around we are offering a V.I.P package for $1,000. This is not for the faint of heart. It involves two tickets to each night of the season (4 nights), two of our famous milk towel ponchos and (get this) showrunner and 'Milk' creator, Sean Burnett Dugdale-Martin will come to 'your house and host an alternative milk tasting for you and your family/friends.
So tuck your pants into your socks, grab a memorabolic milk towel poncho from the BATS foyer, and get ready to watch something some people just won’t understand.
“The concept is simplistic, but it's exhilarating... I leave the theatre feeling energised." - Katie Hill, Art Murmurs
“A bad acid trip scene from a 70's B-Movie." - Arthur Hawkes, Theatreview
Audience Care:
With all the throwing of water balloons, 'Milk' can be a very stimulating environment. We’re here to take care of each other, so audience members are free to step out of the theatre at any point for a breather.
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