Art Class: Macro-micro Drawing Workshop with Emma Theyers
756 Lake Hayes-Arrow Junction Highway RD 1, Frankton, Queenstown, Arrowtown, Queenstown Lakes
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Explore the hidden worlds within our surroundings in this macro-micro drawing workshop. We will zoom in to capture intricate details and zoom out to reveal the broader context, creating a visual narrative that uncovers the beauty of both the small and the large.
About Emma:
Emma Theyers is a New Zealand born artist, currently based in Glenorchy. Since completing her Bachelor's degree at the Queensland College of Art in Australia, Emma has exhibited throughout Australia and more recently New Zealand. Her works have been shortlisted in prestigious art awards, including the JADA Drawing Prize (AU), Hadley’s Landscape Art Prize (AU), Dobell Drawing Prize (AU) and the Parkin Prize (NZ).
This workshop targets a range of learning abilities.
No art experience is required.
All ages are welcome; only those above 18 YO will be served wine.
Time: 1-4pm, 3 September 2023
This session includes:
- A glass of Nockie’s Palette wine (or a non-alcohol drink)
- Gorgeous garden vistas
- Art Instruction
- Drawing materials
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