HBAF 2023 - Kahurangi! Ahakoa He Iti, He Pounamu!
101 Hastings Street South, Hastings, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
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[PLEASE NOTE: Advertised Start Time Changed - Now 6:30pm Start]
We warmly welcome you to the 40th anniversary celebration of the life works of Kahurangi NZ Māori Dance Company and its founder, respected Te Matau-a-Māui arts identity Tama Huata.
With soaring voices united in song, and powerful dance, music and theatre blending in an enthralling show, prepare for a little audience participation true to Kahurangi’s welcoming style. Be transported by their distinctive full voice harmony as we share a trip down memory lane with friends and family of members, and those of Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu.
International guest artists Red Thunder Next Generation – First Nations Dance company from Canada, and Te Vaka o Takitumu Cultural Group from the Cook Islands are also welcomed to the stage in what will be an entertaining and spellbinding evening for all the family.
Join us for this powerful celebration of the late Tama Huata’s achievements attained in the academic excellence and performance of Māori Performing Arts since 1983.
As we take a pause to celebrate the past, we treasure the present and we look to the future. Whakanuia! Kahurangi! Ahakoa he iti! He pounamu!
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