Green Drinks - Restoring Nature for The Triple Bottom Line
1182 Tutanekai St, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty
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Alison Dewes and John Buke share their experiences from collaborative nature restoration and conservation projects in the Bay of Plenty. John will cover how in 20 years they have relandscaped their coastal BOP (Katikati) farm, restoring 1/3 of the farm area into ngahere and making more total profit from the better land and Alison will cover the learnings after a 3 year Jobs for Nature Catchment Group project: 34500 ha of land starting from Lake Rototiti & Lake Rotoehu draining into the Little Waihi Estuary,(one of 5 most degraded in NZ) has a mix of land uses: What are the knowledge gaps are, the greatest win-wins and opportunities, as farmers bring climate resilience, environment, and wellbeing to front of mind along with economic resilience as they get fit for the future.
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