Government Gazettes as a Genealogical Resource - Helen Smith
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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At speaker's request this event will not be recorded, so will not be available on Auckland Libraries' YouTube channel.
However, Helen Smith is also a speaker at the weekend's Auckland Family History Expo - 11-13 August, Fickling Convention Centre, Three Kings.
The Gazettes were the weekly notices of Government activities meant for other government departments and some were available to the public. They are an untapped genealogical resource. The general gazette lists government appointments, various licences, Justices of the Peace, changes to legislation, deceased estates, and so much more. Police Gazettes (only available to Police departments) list police officer movements, reports of crime often listing victims, reports on entry and exit from prison, Missing Friends notices while Education Gazettes list teacher movements, school information and more. Each colony had its own Gazettes and post Federation in 1901 the Commonwealth also produced a Government Gazette.
About the speaker
Helen Smith is a speaker, DNA specialist, researcher, and author with a strong interest in Australian, English, medical and social history. has been researching since 1986: England, Ireland, Wales & Australia with various immigration trails to the USA, Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand. She has registered the surname Quested with the Guild of One Name Studies and collects them anywhere, anytime. She is a regular speaker at genealogy events in Australia, internationally in New Zealand, England, Canada, the USA, on many Unlock the Past Cruises and has regularly presented for Legacy Family Webinars. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists and the Genealogical Speakers Guild.
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