Glow in the Dark Titiwai Tours - New Zealand Glow Worms
101 Glenmore St, Kelburn, Wellington
Ticket Information
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A fascinating tour into the world of titiwai, New Zealand's glow worm. This outdoor night-time tour takes about one hour and is designed for children 7 years and older. Parents, please use your discretion.
Meet at the Founders’ entrance to Wellington Botanic Garden ki Paekākā on Glenmore Street. Please bring your ticket, a torch, and an umbrella if it’s raining. We'll see you there!
Watch the Wellington Gardens Facebook page for cancellation announcements or call the Treehouse
Visitor Centre on 04 499 1400.
This tour is operated by the Friends of Wellington Botanic Garden.
Please note: The tour still runs if raining and no transfers or refunds are given due to weather unless we cancel due to dangerous conditions.
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