Daft 2023: Dance Workshop With Sumara Fraser
1 Kent Tce, Wellington
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Join WIDance for a playful dance experience, where we will warm up to some fun tunes, create mini dances, and find new ways of moving and grooving on the dance floor.
Sign up via BATS website: https://bats.co.nz/whats-on/daft-the-disabled-artists-festival-of-theatre-2023/
With over twenty years of experience, Sumara Fraser is a highly skilled inclusive dance teacher and performer with a focus on providing dance opportunities for disabled communities in the Wellington region.
Currently, Sumara serves as the artistic director of WIDance, Wellington's leading inclusive dance provider, a position she has held since its inception in 2010. Her work with WIDance includes facilitating workshops, classes, and performance opportunities for over 60 individuals each week with lived experience of disability.
Accessibility information: BATS is located at 1 Kent Terrace. The accessible ramped entrance with handrails is located to the left of the building front. It is accessible when the theatre is open. There is a call panel at the entrance which connects to the Box Office and clear access when you are inside.
The ground floor at BATS is fully wheelchair accessible with a ramp at the north end of the building, which provides direct access to the foyer and bar area, and a wheelchair accessible Box Office counter and bathroom on the ground floor. The Stage is located on the ground floor.
Image description: Sumara and members of WIDance are photographed in black and white, behind the DAFT theatre curtain design. Some people are sitting, some are posing, some are in motion and are blurred.
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