Capital FibreFest 2023
836 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region
Ticket Information
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Capital FibreFest event is a makers market that cares about making yarn, fibre, wool and craft related items. We aim to minimise barriers so as to make wool and fibre crafting and products as accessible and available to as wide a demographic of the community as possible.
Capital FibreFest is a community centric event that allows members of the community to come and socialise, learn new skills and chat with experienced crafters, catch up with friends, and purchase fibre, yarn and wool for any of their creative outputs. We try and ensure a wide range of wool ply, fibre type, dyeing techniques and product ranges is available for the attendees.
Free entry
Goody bags for the first 150 attendees through the front door, through the main foyer next to Dough Cafe.
Plenty of free parking, 2 mins walk to train and bus station, onsite cafe and coffee shop. Short walk to Upper Hutt town centre for more cafes and shops.
Loads of stallholders selling a range of wool, fibre, yarns and related items for all your fibre crafting adventures - a "makers market" - see the 2023 traders list.
Social gathering - loads of room to bring your wheel and spin, or knitting /crochet project, or just sit and grab a coffee and chat
Koha have a go sessions (more info)
Stall holder demos throughout the day
Lots of awesome raffles
Woolly Mammoth stall (second hand - de-stashed yarn, patterns, fleece and equipment)
Bring cash, some traders will have Eftpos, but you will need cash for other traders, woolly mammoth, raffles and koha kitchen for tea/coffee.
In line with COVID-19 and winter bugs please feel free to wear a mask and sanitise/wash hands.
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