APO | Bayleys Great Classics: Rach 2
303 Queen St, CBD, Auckland
Ticket Information
- Additional fees may apply
Listed by
Conductor - Carlos Kalmar*
Piano - Lise de la Salle
Korngold (arr. Russ) - The Sea Hawk: Suite
Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No.2
Schumann - Symphony No.1 ‘Spring’
Korngold’s spectacular score for that ultimate swashbuckler epic, the Errol Flynn movie The Sea Hawk, is a pure musical sugar hit. It will be some of the best fun that audiences will have all year.
Rachmaninov’s concerto, with its achingly tender slow movement, is a perennial favourite. The soloist must have fingers of steel and a poetic heart, and Lise de la Salle is just such a musician.
In the early months of his marriage, a jubilant Schumann sketched a symphony in just four days. ‘Spring’ is the perfect nickname for music of such exuberant, uncomplicated joy.
* Please note Carlos Kalmar replaces the previously advertised Constantin Trinks
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