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The New Zealand Herald Premier Series: Mahler 3 may be the upcoming event you’re looking for
APO | The NZ Herald Premier Series: Mahler 5

Ticket Information

  • Deluxe - Adult: $121.00 each
  • Deluxe - Senior: $111.00 each
  • Premier - Adult: $102.00 each
  • Premier - Senior: $93.00 each
  • Premier - Student/Child: $55.00 each
  • A Reserve - Adult: $83.00 each
  • A Reserve - Senior: $73.00 each
  • A Reserve - Student/Child: $45.00 each
  • B Reserve - Adult: $65.00 each
  • B Reserve - Senior: $60.00 each
  • B Reserve - Student/Child: $35.00 each
  • C Reserve - Adult: $50.00 each
  • C Reserve - Senior: $45.00 each
  • C Reserve - Student/Child: $25.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Sat 11 Nov 2023, 7:30pm–9:30pm


All Ages

Conductor - Giordano Bellincampi

Wagner - Rienzi Overture
Wagner - Tristan und Isolde: Prelude and Liebestod
Mahler - Symphony No.5

Tristan und Isolde is Wagner’s hymn to desire beyond reason. In the Liebestod, Isolde literally expires from passion, singing rapturously all the while.

It complements Mahler’s Fifth Symphony, whose second half centres around the famous Adagietto, a blissful love song to his wife. This colossal piece begins with a magnificent, despairing funeral march and a turbulent scherzo, before switching mood entirely and ending with uncontained jubilation. With a huge orchestra, including musicians from the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM), all under Giordano Bellincampi’s direction it will be a performance to remember.

Presented in collaboration with the Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM)
Presented in association with ICBC

Notes Fund - Music for this concert has been supported by Charline Baker

Supported by the Wagner Society of New Zealand from the bequest of Wallace Ryan

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