Wine Wise : Wine Tasting Series 2022
3 Mulgrave St, Thorndon, Wellington
Ticket Information
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With a successful and sold out series in 2021, we are excited to present to you Wine Wise II. (2022). We have collaborated with Negotiants NZ and Invisible Wines to bring to you the following wine tasting evenings. These casual, fun and informative nights are limited to 30 guests.
Ticket price includes wine selection, presentation and Thistle grazing platters.
Wed 16th February - Alternative Varieties, presented to you by Hanna Waddington from Negociants NZ
Wed 18th May - Meet the Maker - Cambridge Road Wines
Come and spend an evening with Lance Redgewell of Cambridge Rd Wines, one of N.Z's first Natural Wine producers, he'll talk you through the thing that is Natural Wine - what does that mean, what does the stuff taste like...why is some of it Orange?!
Wed 20th July - NZ vs The World, hosted by Jeannine from Invisible Wines
We'll go head to head comparing some of our top Pinot Noir to some of the world's best producing regions; We'll serve the wines "blind" whilst you taste through and then give you the full reveal to see if your thoughts change once you've seen the labels!
Wed 21st September - Hosted by Adam from Nautilus Vineyard.
Wed 9th Nov - Festival Bubbles!
First to sell out in 2021, this is the perfect time to sample your Xmas bubbles and put in an order in time for Christmas.
Limited to 30 tickets per session.
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