We Dressed as Humans - The Dust Palace Student Showcase 2022
Corner Orly Avenue & Bader Drive, Mangere, Auckland
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As humans we are layered. We approach each day holding multiple truths based upon the experiences that we carry along the way. As each of us have found our way into this magic world of circus and acrobatics, these layers intersect with one another, and from these crossed paths our commonalities emerge. Through diverse processes and explorations we find those things that bond us together and build a community. We each experience a unique journey, but looking around we see our friends surrounding us along the way. Hand in hand, every day we dress as humans.
The students of The Dust Palace Circus Company showcase their skills in a vibrant multi-discipline event!
Directed by Jay Clement, The Dust Palace Aerialist, Acrobat, Performer and Senior Tutor
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