Understanding Change, Loss and Grief
30 Te Mata Road, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay / GisborneRestrictions
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Change and loss are an integral part of life, yet their influence is not generally well understood. In this seminar the broad range of changes and losses that can occur in life is recognised. Participants are given the opportunity to explore how change, loss, grief and behaviour are inextricably linked. This is the key to making sense of change and loss experiences.
Using an educational approach, participants will be invited to deepen their general understanding of the nature and impact of change, loss and grief on their lives or in their workplaces.
COST: $50 per person (includes morning tea and workbook)
FACILITATOR: Sandie Speeden – GTG Manager
TO REGISTER: Email: gtgadmin@acw.org.nz
Please provide name, contact number, name of organisation and email address for invoice
For more information contact gtgadmin@acw.org.nz or 027 555 6707
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