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Stories About My Body

Ticket Information

  • General Admission: $42.50 each ($40.00 + $2.50 fees)
  • Booth Ticket: $42.50 each ($40.00 + $2.50 fees)
  • Booth Ticket - Restricted View: $42.50 each ($40.00 + $2.50 fees)
  • Eventfinda tickets no longer on sale


  • Thu 17 Nov 2022, 7:30pm–8:30pm




Tales, scenes, diary excerpts, and boobs; Stories About My Body is a new solo work by Morgana O'Reilly, a star of Neighbours, Wentworth and Housebound.

'I'll tell you my birth stories, how I sold my toes in New York, read you diary entrees from '98 while trying to work through my constant love/hate relationship with this body of mine.'

Morgana explains she still has a love/hate relationship with her 'mum bod'. However, doing full nudity in a film last year helped Morgana remember that 'bare tits are ridiculously comical!
'I want everyone to go home, look in the mirror, smile, and love themselves a little more. Hell, I want to love my own body a little more '.

Warning: There will be nudity, and you will love it.

Note, this show contains graphic natural birth imagery, female nudity, and themes of body dysmorphia & eating disorders. 

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