"Say It With Flowers" - Art Workshop With Grant Whibley
756 Lake Hayes-Arrow Junction Highway RD 1, Frankton, Queenstown, Arrowtown, Queenstown Lakes
Ticket Information
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For your Valentine this year, show your love with flowers in a painting. Under the tutor led instructions of artist Grant Whibley you will be guided in this workshop on how to capture the beauty of flowers with colour and form in acrylics. Suitable for a range of abilities in art, this workshop aims to help you "say it with flowers" that will last long in the timeless genre of flower painting.
This session includes:
- A glass of Nockie’s Palette wine
- Gorgeous garden vistas
- Art Instruction
- Painting materials
No art experience required.
All ages are welcome and only those above 18 YO will be served wine.
Ticket Price: $50 per person/$95 for two persons
Note: Only limited spots are available for this event, please book ASAP.
Contact: 03 669 2277 or cellardoor@nockiespalette.com
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