Let Me Tell You of My Country (1)
57 Fox Street, Featherston, Wairarapa
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Come and hear a diverse range of writers and prominent Kiwis giving their perspective on Aotearoa New Zealand – now and in the future.
How did we get here? What are the urgent issues that confront us now? What do we do about them? How do we shape our future?
There will be an opportunity for you to have your say too. If you want a better understanding of your country, don’t miss this!
Kim Workman (Ngati Kahungunu/Rangitāne) has spent his working career in the criminal justice/penal reform space (Journey Towards Justice); Professor Alison Jones (This Pākehā Life: An Unsettled Memoir); Tim Higham (Island Notes: Finding My Place on Aotea Great Barrier Island). Linda Clark will moderate.
We acknowledge with thanks the funding support of Creative New Zealand.
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