Japanese Film - Pom Poko
Level 18, 100 Willis Street, Wellington
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Booking required while in Red.
Come along to our free Japanese Film night!
This month's film is "Pom Poko"!
Pom Poko is an ever-current and thought-provoking tale about the clash between modern society and the natural world. The Raccoons (Tanuki) of the Tama Hills are being forced from their homes by rapid urbanisation. As it becomes harder to find food and shelter, they decide to band together and fight back. Once they perfect the ancient art of transformation, they use their power, often in hilarious ways, to try to scare off the advancement of civilization. Will it be enough? Or will the Raccoons learn how to live in balance with the modern world?
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
Released: 1994
Director: Isao Takahata
Rating: PG
Genre: Animation/Children/Family/Adventure
Runtime: 119 Minutes
Entry will ONLY be permitted to those with a valid My Vaccine Pass (anyone under 12 years 3 months is exempt), and we ask that you wear a mask). Pre-booking will be required if Wellington is still in red.
A short Japan Video Topics DVD will be shown from 5:15pm before the start of the film at 5:30pm. Free admission is based on a first-come, first-served basis, with a full theatre capacity of 50 people at orange or lower, or 25 at red.
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