Hiria Anderson: Wairua
42 Victoria St, Te Aro, Wellington
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Hiria Anderson (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Apakura, Ngāti Rereahu) surveys her immediate surroundings and those individuals and relationships within her community of Ōtorohanga. The artist captures in detail the intimacy, incongruity, and poeticism of the everyday and with it the interplay between tikanga Māori and contemporary municipal life. Several works acknowledge the context and daily realities of Covid-19, with Anderson depicting members of her whānau wearing medical masks and watching televised government press conferences within the close interiors of hotel rooms. While her works regularly convey bustling activity, they are equally occupied by a sense of absence; painstakingly depicting figures from obscure viewpoints, vacant spaces, or the minutiae of discarded objects.
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