HBRW 2022 - Wawata: Moon Dreaming with Dr Hinemoa Elder
101 Hastings Street South, Hastings, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
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Dr Hinemoa Elder shows us how to reclaim intimacy with others, with ourselves and with our planet using the energies of Hina, the Māori moon. Hina has 30 different faces to help illuminate life’s lessons - a different face and a different energy for each day of the month. And with her changing light, new insights are revealed. Here is a chance to connect to the ancient wisdom of the old people, and find a source of strength in our strange modern world.
Dr Elder will be joined by Erena Tomoana (Ngati Kahungunu), lecturer, teacher, singer and passionate advocate for her people and culture hailing from a long line of wahine māreikura.
Dr Hinemoa Elder is of Ngati Kuri, Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri and Ngapuhi descent and the mother of two adult children.
She has lived on Te Motu Arai Roa, Waiheke Island for more than 20 years. She is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who works at Starship Hospital’s Child & Family and Mother & Baby Units and various community clinics. Hinemoa also provides youth forensic court reports and neuropsychiatric assessment and treatment of traumatic brain injury in private practice. She is a deputy psychiatry member of the New Zealand Mental Health Review Tribunal.
In 2019, Hinemoa was appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for services to psychiatry and Maori. You can also find her on Instagram and Tiktok @drhinemoa
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