Extending the Life of Spicer Landfill
Cnr Parumoana and Norrie St, Porirua - Mana, Wellington Region
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Spicer Landfill is an important part of the infrastructure of Porirua City and is running out of space faster than expected.
This year we’ve been talking about how we might extend the landfill, and the types of protection we need to put in place to minimise things like odour, and to protect our waterways, plants and animals.
We’d like to show you the draft design for the extension and hear your thoughts on this. Have your say
Your input and views will help us fine-tune the plans to extend the landfill. Come along to our public sessions.
Tuesday 5 July 6.30–8pm, Tawa Community Centre
Wednesday 6 July 12.30–2pm, Helen Smith room – Pātaka
Thursday 7 July 7–8pm – Zoom. Register for your Zoom session and send us your questions by Tuesday 5 July to landfillconsent@poriruacity.govt.nz.
More public sessions will be held later this year and your feedback will help inform our resource consent application. There will be another opportunity to provide feedback and views during the resource consent process likely to be in 2023.
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